Counting Calories

Calories. They’re energy, nutrients, and essential for life…

So why does society turn every little calorie into a demon?

Counting calories is especially popular among women. They spend more and more time restricting or regulating calorie intake. At first, seeing how many calories are in that pasta or piece of bread seems fine. It can’t hurt to look, right? But this emphasis on numbers can lead to weight obsession or a full-blown eating disorder.


Online calculators don’t help either. I’ve been through a time where, after every meal, I religiously typed in my food into a MyFitnessPal account. Not only could I see what other people were eating (to compare, of course!), but I could also see how hard I needed to workout in order to burn off that sandwich or fruit. Yes, I sometimes even weighed all the apples in my fridge to find out exactly how many calories each one had.

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